Andrea D'Intino

About Andrea D'Intino

Co-Founder of Tag Forge. Once a videogame developer, worked with sales for 3D Scanners and 3D printers. Zelda fan.

    Automatic creations of tags and auto-tagging based on folder structure

    Automatic creations of tags and rules based on folders

    Major new feature in Confidential 1.3.1: using this feature you can select a group of folder, one tag per folder will be created and all the content of each folder will be tag with each correspondent tag. This saves you from the burden of having to create tags manually, for your existing folder structure.

    You can optionally also create auto-tagging rules on those

    By |2018-07-13T14:12:08+02:00July 13th, 2018|0 Comments

      Recursively tag a folder and create and auto-tagging rule in 7 clicks

      Dear tagging aficionados,

      One of the first issues we faced when developing Confidential was how can we quickly tag data, based on the user’s existing folder structure?

      The auto-tagging rules were the result of this quest. But to our surprise, we have recently discovered that the (let’s make up a funky name) auto-tagging folder wizard is mostly unknown to our beloved user based: it enables the user to tag a folder’s content recursively

      By |2018-06-20T18:19:34+02:00June 20th, 2018|0 Comments

        Open bookmarks in Chrome

        Open Bookmarks in Chrome

        Our Windows 10 users reported they open a bookmark in Confidential, the bookmark is opened in Internet Explorer (or Firefox) even if the default browser is Chrome.

        We investigated the matter and we realized that in Windows 10 the setting for default browser is managed differently then in Windows 8 and previous. We’ll implement the changes soon. Until

        By |2018-06-19T17:55:20+02:00June 19th, 2018|0 Comments

          Run Confidential Database Server on Linux

          Many people asked us if  the Confidential database can run on MySQL, the reason being that that most people have Linux servers and are typically running MySQL databases.

          Confidential needs a Microsoft SQL Server to run, as most of its logic is written using Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures. But Microsoft comes to help: since February 2018, Microsoft SQL Server is available for several Linux distribution (at this point Ubuntu 16.04,

          By |2018-05-22T19:50:35+02:00May 15th, 2018|0 Comments

            Data mining of German sensitive information from files – GDPR Compliance

            On our auto-tagging rules page, we have just released a set of rules to tag sensitive German information. Now Confidential can find:

            • German  Zip Code (Postleitzahl – PLZ), matches the numeric part
            • German personal tax number (Steuernummer)
            • German health insurance number (Versicherungsnummer)
            • German army ID number (Personenkennziffer)
            •  German VAT Number
            By |2018-05-03T22:42:08+02:00April 23rd, 2018|0 Comments

              Detect sensitive information in files: GDPR compliance for unstructured data

              Data mine your drives for sensitive data

              In Confidential 1.2.31 we combined the search based on regular expressions, with the search in file content that we introduced in Confidential 1.2. So basically you can now tell Confidential to “scrape my disks and auto-tag everything that looks like credit number, an email address, invoice number, a name from a list or anything that can be describe by a regular

              By |2018-05-03T22:42:48+02:00April 16th, 2018|0 Comments

                Desktop search: revamping Confidential search feature and introducing the Unified Search (global shortcut Alt+S)

                Unified desktop search: one more feature that will make many people happy 🙂

                Based on feedback from many of you, we’ve revamped our search feature. Search now allows you to search files based on:
                – File name and folder
                – File content (using Windows Search indexing)
                Tagging of files
                Comments written on files

                Note that that we’re not yet indexing file tagging and comments written on files, so if you include that in the

                By |2018-05-03T22:42:59+02:00February 2nd, 2018|0 Comments

                  Collaborative comments: add comments to files in a collaborative and chat-like fashion

                  In the last buil, 1.1.7 from a couple days ago, we’ve released a feature that we couldn’t wait to share with you as we’ve been asked for it since day one: the possibility to add comments to files (or folders).

                  And not this allows you to write and edit a single comment per file: you can actually write and edit multiple comments on each file – each comment will shows when

                  By |2018-05-03T22:43:08+02:00January 26th, 2018|0 Comments

                    Auto-tagging based on file content is out!

                    We’ve releasing is an extension of the auto-tagging rules that will allow you to search “inside” a file ( search the content of a file or document) and tag the file automatically based on what’s inside it. To achieve we’re using the awesome .net port of the Tika library, the full list of files we can extract text from is here.

                    The next feature we’ll release (in a couple

                    By |2018-05-03T22:43:16+02:00January 17th, 2018|0 Comments
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