About Andrea D'Intino

Co-Founder of Tag Forge. Once a videogame developer, worked with sales for 3D Scanners and 3D printers. Zelda fan. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-d-intino/

Auto-tag files based on content

We’re working on some cool new features, the first feature we’re releasing is an extension of the auto-tagging rules that will allow you to search “inside” a file ( search the content of a file or document) and tag the file automatically based on what’s inside it.

In the first release it will work only for files .docx, .xlsx and for generic files – “generic” means that the files will be

By |2018-05-03T22:43:24+02:00January 8th, 2018|0 Comments

First review: 4,5 stars on Softpedia

Yesterday I pulled myself together, created PAD files for Confidential (here, here and here) and spent some 30 minutes submitting to some 20 sites. The way I did it was googling pad submission sites list, picked a couple lists with updated links and submitted to the top 10 sites on the list. This morning we were notified by Softpedia that our review was out: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Security-Related/Confidential.shtml


By |2017-10-13T11:20:43+02:00October 13th, 2017|0 Comments
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